News from our global business network
Safety and security requirements on imports and exports

From 31 January 2025, any goods imported from the EU to GB must be covered by a Safety and Security declaration (also known as Entry Summary Declarations or ENS). Those who export from GB to the EU, or import from countries outside the EU, are already required to submit Safety and Security declarations.

Businesses who are ready to start submitting Safety and Security declarations before 31 January are encouraged to do so.

  • Safety and Security declarations support the fight against illicit goods – such as drugs and weapons entering the UK.
  • Carriers or hauliers are legally responsible for submitting Safety and Security declarations. A party other than the carrier, such as the importer or an intermediary, can lodge the declaration on the carrier’s behalf, although the carrier is still responsible for making sure the Safety and Security declaration is submitted.
  • If you already submit Safety and Security declarations for Rest of World imports, you won’t need to make any changes and should continue to submit declarations as you do currently. But you may be able to benefit from some of the changes below.

Please speak to your supply chains to agree who is responsible for completing Safety and Security declarations for EU to GB imports from 31 January, and the most suitable method for doing so. The legal requirement to submit a declaration lies with the carrier. This is the operator of the active means of transport on, or in, which the goods are brought into the customs territory.

Submitting Safety and Security declarations
Safety and Security declarations are submitted into an IT platform called S&SGB. There are different options for submitting Safety and Security declarations, such as purchasing specialist software or using customs agents/intermediaries.

For more information on the options available see the GOV.UK guidance on making an entry summary declaration

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